Authorial-Branding Service

“VDA Production” authorial-branding services “VDA Production” authorial-branding services are based on principles of creative activities initiatives focusing on developing collaborative experimental IP-assets based projects which are targeted to create the intellectual property audio-visual products to be exploited in health and entertainment sectors.

My “VDA Production” authorial-branding or else author-branded service is focusing on creating and developing non-standard creatively approached solutions for people’s personal and business needs. I provide people all over the world with original ideas and theories concerning various aspects of social life and science.

My Creative Ideas and Non-Standard Approaches Consulting Service provides insights, new perspectives, illuminates solutions and inspires new lines of thought and open-mind brainstorming. I do my best to make my valuable ideas not only been delivered worldwide in the blink of an eye but also to be well-understood together with crystal clear understanding of my unique motivation and circumstances.

I am working on my innovative audiovisual projects that serve meritorious purposes and I provide individuals, non-profits, community organizations and charities with free services. 
When I work with government, business or corporate entities I negotiate considerations on a case by case basis.

My social media profiles and Blogging web-site pages show You just small scale initial trials of mine used to demonstrate my flexibility, creativeness and work-in-progress success.

The titles and names of almost everything that I have already created in my research into the nature of creativity have neological lexicology and linguistic aspects. I have created a collection of ideas and theses publicly available for the consideration of researchers everywhere.

I sincerely believe that creativity is my exceptional gift and I share my ideas. I hope that my innovations could help others by exploiting my ideas I have on display or I create something tailor made on demand.

My ongoing purpose is to explore how I can share my talents with individuals, companies, corporations, governments and nonprofit charitable organizations in order to ameliorate social conditions and enhance the positive development of the human community on our planet.

The underlying theme in many of my ideas, concepts and conceptualizations is “self-healing and self-educating through self-entertaining”. I believe in the most effective means of reweaving the social-psychological fabric of our global society. I also believe that some of the ideas on display could do just that and, further, that other ideas also await creation. In sum, there is reason for optimism despite the fairly consistent news stream and or impression that there is not a reason for optimism.

I am especially interested in meeting collaboration-goal-oriented people WHO:

-are therapists, counselors, spiritual directors, ministers, health care workers, teachers and any persons seeking spiritual insight;
-        have the sleep deprivation and suffer from sleep disorders of any kind and want to find a proper treatment;
-        would like to share their ideas for making dreams to be experienced by other people;
-        are interested in being assisted with dreams interpretation and meanings finding;
-        are the creators and owners of brilliant ideas relevant and topic-related to my own projects;
-        are private entrepreneur or company-owners specialized in sleep deprivation and sleep disorders treatment and who are interested to try non standard alternatives;
-        are the individuals who would like to be freely consulted and advised about dream interpretation and making dreams enjoyable.
-        are dream-sleep therapy practitioners wishing to update to the latest developments, techniques and methods in the field;
-        are individuals experienced with lucid dreaming;
-        are trainers teaching next-generation of dream-therapy;
-        are professional healers and therapists wishing to add modern dream-therapy to their tool box of techniques;
-        are the individuals loving experiencing lucid dreams and who are excited about its practice and potential and wish to take it to the next for advanced and enjoyable level.

I kindly invite all interested to take a part in my innovations-based projects:


Inter-Cultural & Mutual-Education-Enriching Community-Group-based Research-Related Projects

 “…promoting inspiration & ideation exchange for research and life-changing experience”

As the Author, I am initiating and conducting researches with an experimental investigations addressing to results-analyzing, observing & directly-related-issues consulting.

I  invite specialists and experts in a field of specialized knowledge to share experience and interchange of knowledge and skills among the communities- and groups-based participants of the project.

“Independent Role-Initiated Scholarship” (aka IRIS) is the Independent Role-Playing Creative Learning approach based on employing a set of Author-developed principles and methods of the alternative learning linked to playing the topic-related role targeting to the most fastest and effective scoring of necessary skills.

As an example, a “Project Team Leader” role-playing learning is aimed at teaching you how to properly practice the “Agile-Prop” framework thru playing a role of the Leader who is in need of initiating and organizing, developing and accomplishing the IP-based project within framed time and budget to score necessary skills concerning to such “role” in order to achieve best results in learning objectives in the intellectual property sector.

I offer particular practices and approaches that may be helpful in your own practice of “IRIS” by means of studying and analyzing the information related to any of his projects he develops.

The “IRIS”, as an independent learning activity, is addressed to reading in depth the information provided at the Author’s blog that concerns certain project previewed at your choice and that is aiming at:

- preparing “Your-own-vision” presentation or else “Your version” of one of the projects description presented by the Author at my blog; 

-authoring relevant project topic(s) articles published at the Author’s blog (or third-party sources) and then composing Your own critique that would be fully describing their benefits and faults;

-determining the quality of the certain project presentation considering factors such as content and accuracy of such project described;

- determining the need of arranging conferences, live webinars,  regional meetings and training addressed to hypothetically prospective freelancers to be enrolled into the project team for distant-working;

- researching the topic of the certain project and preparing your version of training materials.

The Independent Role-Initiated Scholarship is also based on exploiting “Collaborative Learning” principles of co-learning from a more experienced applicant or practitioner, or already-certified registrant who may fit the criteria of the same age as you are and/or the same or pretty similar topic-related interests and profession as you have.